
Bateman Scholarships
The family of Lloyd and Olive Forbes Bateman established a Memorial Scholarship in the name of each of their parents. Sharon United Methodist Church is honored and privileged to be the administrator of the $1,000 Lloyd Bateman Scholarship and the $1,000 Nurse Lucy Scholarship. The scholarships are open to congregants of Sharon United Methodist Church and their families.
Click here for the 2025 Lloyd Bateman Scholarship application.
Currituck Community Chorus Music Scholarship
In December 2014, Currituck Community Chorus, under the direction of Marguerite Aydlett Green, presented its first annual cantata, a gift to the community at Griggs Elementary School. In December 2015, the Currituck Community Chorus presented its second annual cantata. A love offering given at the close of each cantata enabled the establishment of the Currituck Community Chorus Music Scholarship Fund, administered by Sharon United Methodist Church. The Currituck Community Chorus Music Scholarship in the amount of $1,000 will be administered by Sharon United Methodist Church with a Board that will determine the awarding of the scholarship.
Click here for the 2025 Currituck Community Chorus Music Scholarship application.

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