The Christian Journey Class meets in-person as well as via Zoom.
The Bryan Morris Fellowship Class meets in-person.

The Christian Journey Class (Adults) 9:45 – 10:45 AM
The Christian Journey Class is a pathway to a spiritual journey. We are studying the Bible from beginning to end, Genesis to Revelation. We read and research the chapters and verses in each book and discuss their applications to our daily lives. As each one of us is unique, we bring a different perspective to the readings while relying on the written word of God to guide us. Come join us each Sunday as we continue our journey.
Bryan Morris Fellowship Class (Adults) 10:00 – 10:45 AM
Come join us as we grow in faith and our relationship with God. The class is facilitated by Sylvia Kirk and uses the Cokesbury Adult Bible Studies material which is designed to help adults understand the meaning and authority of the Bible for Christian life. A benevolence fund is maintained by the class to help send gifts to shut-ins or those with illnesses and to also help support various SUMC activities.